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Cape Town legalizes busking and street performing by BC on Oct 3, 2013
:tophat: (CAPE TOWN) Buskers and street-performers are busy celebrating City Hall's decision to legalize performing in Cape Town.
The South African city made news earlier this year when blind busker Lunga Nono was beaten by metro police for busking in St. George's Mall.

Charges against the busker have recently been dropped in favor of new legislation. Nono's guitar was broken in the melee which took place in front of his family and onlooking tourists. A music shop donated a new guitar to Nono who has filed a lawsuit.

Now that the city has come to it's senses about the performing artists and tourism, just about anything goes. This includes street musicians, acrobats, clowning, comedy, contortions, dance, singing, fire skills, mime, living statues, music performance, puppeteering, storytelling, poetry, painting,...

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Zen and the Art of Subway Busking by BC on Mar 1, 2021
:guitar: An interesting article at American Songwriter has an in-depth interview of the successful and creative busker by the name of Ori Rakib.
Ori is an energetic soul. He's been busking in the New York subway for years. One day after losing his jacket, Ori said to himself, "Alright - I’m going to start busking until I make enough money to buy myself a new winter coat." Survival comes first in busking. Some of us have already been there. At times, it can be hand-to-mouth with even experienced buskers.

"Once you’re past that first stage where it’s not really about being 'good' or 'bad' anymore, you start to realize how many lives you are able to touch by just going out there, opening your mouth, and singing."

"You’re not a brand - You’re just a guitar and a voice. People don’t know you, y...

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From France... by Adrien Nox on May 8, 2009
Buskers, buskers, buskers,

I'm a young guy who try to get money playing a little guitare and singing english, spanish and german songs with his French accent. (I confess that :"I'm french"... So excuse me if I don't write really well english !). I'm not a "true" busker, according to the definition some people have here or somewhere else... I'm a student and during my free-time I go to streets and I "busk" for a while. Since I've started, I've decided to put, near my hat, a paper or a board : Each time I change it. First, I wrote sentences like : Je n'a pas de talent- merci (I've got not talent-thanks), Je travaille plus pour gagner plus (I work more to get more -money- thanks), and then I've choosen to write sentences about politic or economic news.

In fact, people give money, in this way, for three reason :
First : they have pitty of me -and they give money because they just see me like a hobo. They are not interrested by my music or my message.

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Busker Central tops 3000 members by BC on May 3, 2015
:drool: (BOULDER) It's more popular than ever. This month, Busker Central has reached a pinnacle point of three thousand unique members. This landmark achievement exemplifies the power of the internet and the need to know all about busking and street performing. It showcases the research being performed and illustrates how we, as part of the human race, can and do make a difference.
Launching in 2005 and standing it's ground, Busker Central has managed to carve out it's niche on the world wide web. There was the Busker Central reference website long before social mega-sites like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and all the rest ever existed. Reference video shot for Busker Central dates back to 1995.

Busker Central is about the world's arts and humanities. People thrive with diversity and by making Busker Central accessible,...

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World's first all-woman Buskerfest by BC on Feb 5, 2019
:dread: (KANSAS) The city of Lawrence has quite an interesting history concerning women being featured in their town. With their 12th buskerfest, they will be highlighting and honoring the incredible women of the street performing world. Over 20 different acts will perform on 5 different pitches throughout the downtown business district.
"Linsey Lindberg has performed for the last 12 years as Mama Lou Strongwoman and is a Lawrence Busker Festival favorite. It's not unusual for her audience to be full of young girls who emulate her feats of strength at home. She thinks that it's necessary to be a role model and promote self-empowerment for women."

The First All Female Busker Festival is going to be full of awesome acts from around the world.

Be sure to check out the link below for more information on the...

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