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Bronx busker finding fame on Youtube by BC on Aug 1, 2012
:whistle: (NEW YORK) The busker with the golden voice has gained fame after being discovered on the streets of New York City and YouTube.
James Percell has gone through the school of hard knocks on his way to soothing vocals he performs on the streets of the Bronx, N.Y.

Taking a page from the homeless announcer Ted Williams who found fame and employment from YouTube, Percell was also homeless when he was discovered singing his sweet soulful tunes.

Using social media websites, he has a MySpace page and Facebook fan page that list several of his tracks with titles like Love 4 a Gangster, Control, Shower, and It's Your Body.

Percell wears a cardboard sign that reads: 'Will sing or vocal train you for food or small donation.'

With his Youtube video going viral with over a million hits, will we see movies and albums...

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Songs about Buskers by Buskers and for Buskers by BC on Mar 1, 2014
:sing: (BOULDER, COLORADO) If your're a musical busker or even if you're not, take a listen to a variety of songs made especially for the busking and performing arts.
The songs are created specifically by Busker Films and can be heard in video documentaries found over at the famed Busker Alley website. The productions are symbolic of the quality and style found in "The Alley".

The songs showcase different attitudes towards the street-performing arts. Hated by some and loved by others, the songs portrays the busker moving town to town doing their shows and entertaining the masses en route to...who knows where?

"Busker Alley: The Movie" features the song "Road 2 Freedom". Other original compositions including high-energy performance music and even a rap are featured on the website.

Check the links...

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Edinburgh Fringe Festival by BC on Sep 3, 2023
:party: (SCOTLAND) Over the past few years, local fringe festivals have taken on a life their own. Although starting small, some have now grown to enormous sizes.
Take the Edinburgh Fringe Festival for example. Believe it or not, over 500 buskers and street-performers have registered to perform in the festival making it the world's largest.

"Artists and performers take to hundreds of stages all over the city to present shows for every taste. From big names in the world of entertainment to unknown artists looking to build their careers, the festival caters for everyone and includes theatre, comedy, dance, physical theatre, circus, cabaret, children's shows, musicals, opera, music, spoken word, exhibitions and events.

The Edinburgh Festival Fringe Society, a registered charity, is the organization that underpins...

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Ten best cities for busking fun in the USA by BC on Jun 1, 2015
:party: (USA) It's that time of year again when a young man's thoughts turn to busking. It's all about sun, people, and shade as we take a look at some of the hottest performing venues the United States has to offer.
An article in USA Today features David Michael, a former street musician and author of Busker: Tales of a Renegade Harpist. The article mentions Michael's insight into the wide world of busking. Waxing philosophical, he elaborates about the different venues some buskers take that, were it not for street-performing, the talent would go to waste. Crowd gathering is also discussed.

Some cities are obvious. New York, Boston, and San Francisco are considered the centerpieces of American culture. Yet, we find some surprising "off-the-beaten-path" pitches that, normally, one wouldn't think there...

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making music on street in istanbul by rugu on Jun 16, 2009


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