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Same old song gets buskers busted by BC on Aug 23, 2009
:lol: LONDON | A city in central England says two buskers who plagued a suburb by repeating the same two songs have been banned from performing for two years.
The Birmingham City Council said the street performers angered residents with late-night and out-of-tune renditions of “Wonderwall” by Oasis and “Faith” by George Michael.

Acoustic guitar player James Ryan, 40, and Andrew Cave, 39, who used garbage can lids to accompany Ryan, were banned from busking by a judge at Birmingham Magistrates’ Court.


The History of Busking by BC on Jun 3, 2019
:guitar: (WWW) A website by Isaac Wexler has included a history of busking as a means to promote his courses on successful street-performing. A busker for over ten years, Busker Pro is his way of giving back the knowledge and experience of his career as a busker.
Some interesting notations include the furthest recorded history of law affecting buskers in ancient Rome back in 462 BC. It was made a criminal offense to sing or make parodies about the government or officials in public places. The result was a very harsh death penalty to the performers without noble protection from the privilege of justice.

Another was in 1530 when Henry VIII ordered the practise of minstrels and players, fortune-tellers, pardoners and fencers, as well as beggars that if they did not obey the law, they could be whipped for two days....

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Contactless payment debuts for London buskers by BC on Jun 4, 2018
:tiphat: (LONDON) The humble street performer is no longer a victim of a cashless society. A new digital method called a contactless payment terminal can accept a tip to the busker with the wave of a card.
In a test of the new method, patrons were seen waving their credit/debit cards in front of the reader. The project was launched last weekend by the Busk in London organization as a trial. A few performers were seen testing the new transactional device.

Charlotte Campbell, a full-time street performer who was part of the trial, told BBC News that the new tech "had a significant impact on contributions." Said Campbell, "More people than ever tap-to-donate whilst I sing, and often, when one person does, another follows."

The reader needs to be attached to a smartphone or tablet. It is then...

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new beginnings by paddytobin on Feb 8, 2011
Just back busking again after spending time being a single dad to my now 20 year old man.Trying my hand at the Bungendore Country muster,in NSW Australia.Assigned a spot in the Heritage village square,made little money but had a great time,and plenty of encouragement to continue.True to my "Zen Punk" roots,included ,"they don't make Jews like Jesus anymore" and My own 21st generation y version of "house of the Rising Sun" ,as my country rep is miniscule,and mostly incomprehensible.
Keen now to see where else I can go to display my wares.The Market go round looks good!

Singapore busking scene thriving by BC on Sep 1, 2019
:tongue: (SINGAPORE) An article on Singapore's TodayOnline website examines busking and braving the elements and social prejudice. Indeed, busking is not for the faint-hearted. The growth of busking has also resulted in greater competition for space, especially for the popular and more lucrative spots.
More than two decades after a plan was introduced in 1997 to allow performers to add more colour to the streets of Singapore, the busking scene has grown by leaps and bounds.

Baey Yam Keng, Senior Parliamentary Secretary for the Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth, told Parliament that the number of younger performers has more than doubled since 2008.

Along with busking comes opportunities as well as setbacks. Most busking 'laws' between buskers have been traditionally unwritten with buskers preferring to...

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