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Mosman bans buskers by BC on Dec 28, 2008
:tied: BUSKERS, charities, democratic protests and even raffle collectors have been banned from the streets of one of Sydney's most affluent suburbs.

The harsh rule of law has come to the mean streets of Mosman, where the council has banned any activity on land owned by the council that has not been given special council authorisation.

The policy was created after complaints about pesky charity collectors on Military Rd at Mosman Junction and Spit Junction.

However, not everyone in the district feels the need for protection from such undesirables. Shirley Jenkins, a former councillor who voted against the ban, said: "We're starting to take the zest out of life.

"I don't know how many buskers we have in Mosman but I enjoy those around Circular Quay and the thing is that Mosman is boring if we don't have some of these things."

Councils raise $12 million annually in petty fines for...

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Top 10 most popular streets in the world by BC on Nov 1, 2010
:drool: (TOURISM) Museums, theaters, galleries – The world’s cities are full of attractions they promote to lure visitors.
However, even streets can become important landmarks attracting tourists from afar. The very least we can do is try to busk them all.

Below is a list compiled by Tourism-Review.com on their top 10 most popular streets in the whole wide world.

Champs Elysées - Paris
La Rambla - Barcelona
Fifth Avenue - New York
Appian Way - Rome
Magnificent Mile - Chicago
Gran Vía - Madrid
Wall Street - New York
Lombard Street - San Francisco
Zeil - Frankfurt
Váci Utca - Budapest

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The Comedy Dance Human Robot USA by MrAnimation on Sep 20, 2013
Hey Guys When you get a chance check me out as one of the world famous busker street performer from USA My Name Is Mr.Animation. I grew up,In Los Angeles,California entertaining others. Forming a One Man comedy show for Corporate Entertainment. I have succeeded in corporate entertainment and beyond. In addition to booking corporate entertainment events, Mr.Animation has appeared on a variety of television shows, commercials, and movies. Some of his highlights include the popular Jay Leno TV show, “My Wife and Kids,” Adidas commercial, and the movie “Breaking.” If audiences have not yet seen Mr.Animation layout his act , he is a 'hilarious' entertainer, a one-man variety show intermixed with music, hip hop, comedy, mask props transformation, robot mime, facial expressions, high energy,clowning and using audience participation.what i do best is attracting customers around your venue from small to massive crowds.just what Business owners,Organizers,and marketing promoters looking for the bes...

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The Buskers Guide to the Galaxy by BC on Dec 9, 2016
:busker: :busker: (AUSTRALIA) Two inexperienced street performers attempt a world tour with no shows, no money, and no contacts. Along the winding way, they are compiling helpful information for fellow buskers who want to travel predominately through music. This includes permit information, busker-friendly hostels, and cheap eats.
The Buskers Guide to the Galaxy also includes a link to their facebook page featuring busker jobs - a space where people can advertise and apply for all kinds of buskers and musicians.

Interested in a busker's guide to Malaysia, Brisbane, Adelaide, or Wales? How about some video on the Rundle Mall or sleeping in a car? Busker interviews include Olayo Reynaud, Chris Gun, and Kung Fu Jesus among...

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America's street-performers: An inside look by BC on Dec 8, 2009
:hole: We've all found ourselves at one point or another staring in fascination at a busking mime or a talented street musician.
In recent years, busking, the term for performing in public places usually for money from the crowd, has grown into an organized art form complete with professional networks, associations and showcase festivals around the world.

Here in the United States, cities such as Miami, San Francisco, New York and New Orleans have become known for their thriving busking scenes.

Take Maria for instance. A longtime busker in the French Quarter of New Orleans, Maria acts as a human statue, completely still, covered in metallic gold paint and dressed in a matching antique wedding gown. While one may think Maria, often referred to as the Jilted Bride, just stands there doing nothing, her motionless presence...

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