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Buskers go 'Off the Rails' in NYC by BC on Apr 1, 2018
:lampshade: (NYC) You won't believe this but the following is just one single week recapping some of the strangest subway behavior in NYC. It is also the first in a new NBC 4 weekly series documenting happenings in the New York City subway. It promises to be quite an interesting serial publication.
"We start the first week noting that 5.6 million people ride the subway each day which makes it not only a hot spot for talent scouting and people watching, but also a snow-globe of sorts for some of the strangest behavior in the city".

Busker #1 is a cigarette smoking man underneath a train (don't ask). Then he jumps up and performs balancing and dare-devil stunts in-between cars. With cigarette in hand, he finishes by tap-dancing across the platform and away from the encroaching NYPD. The busker...

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Caveats of busking by BC on Jan 1, 2024
:hair: (WWW) We may as well face it. Busking is not a bed of roses. There are bound to be instances where things go wrong. Sammy Showtime has put together his pet peeves when it comes to his caveats of busking.
Some of the most annoying things about being a busker are events you encounter when attempting the sport of performing. One that resonates with many is when other buskers arrive, set up on you, then explain that "This is our pitch. We're homies and never travel. We come her every Friday."

Similarly, there's the "This is the only place we can perform!" excuse that doesn't really sit well with buskers...especially in the middle of a show. Rest assured, the intruders will get their due they so richly deserve.

Read Sammy's other annoying busker behavior at the link below and catch him...

[ Continued ]


Free Speech by bubbletim on Jul 1, 2012
Creating large floating soap bubbles has been a passtime of mine for many years. I call it "fleeting art" and I let anyone that wants to try it to give it a go. After all the years of doing it and people always asking where my tip jar was, I started putting out a fish bowl for people to donate to help pay for the bubble mix. The City of Monrovia, Ca recreation department and the Monrovia PD have now informed me that I am panhandling/soliciting. I have not been cited yet but have been shut down 2 times. If you have any ideas or suggestions they will be greatly appreciated. I will keep my fellow buskers informed on what progresses in the future. Keep entertaining and making people smile.

The coolest buskers in the world by BC on Nov 10, 2009
:sax: (ANTARCTICA) Busking in Antarctica, four British Antarctic Survey's employees took part in Musequality's charity busk and world record.
The coolest buskers in the world, the strings on Danny’s guitar cable froze, Paul’s saxophone froze, Tony’s fingers froze and Riet froze. The Antarctic Minkes busked as the temperature dropped from -8°C to -15°C in Antarctica. Musequality funds communal projects for disadvantaged children in developing countries giving them the skills and qualities they need to turn their lives around.

YouTube Video


BUSKING TURF WARS - A DOCUMENTARY by Busker_Steve on Dec 2, 2015
Hi folks,

My name's Steven Lockmoore, I'm a musical busker from Leeds in the north of England.

A trailer for a film a couple of guys made about me and the busking scene in Leeds just went online yesterday. I'd love it if you could take a look and, if you like what you see, share it around with your friends. It's called Busking Turf Wars!

I'd love for the film to be seen around the world, because it shares a topic that is very close to all of our hearts: busking!

Plus, it's really fun to watch!

You can see the trailer over at the film's Facebook page:


I hope you enjoy!

Steven Lockmoore (@busker_steve)


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