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Cool cat joins buskers with purrfection by BC on May 2, 2023
:pointlol: (TAIWAN) A cool cat has the Internet gushing over its cuteness after it was recently seen performing with buskers.
Amazing as it is, the cat meows on cue to complete the verse of the busker's song. The crowd is filled with laughter!

After the song ends, the talented 'artiste' is carried around while the crowd applauds and cheers for it.

The video, which has been played over 27.1 million times, has received lots of love from people all over the world.

Basking in the world-wide limelight, it seems "Fat Cow" is just hitting his prime.

We'll assume he gets his fair share of fish...


Check out the video in the link below.


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Book: Busker's Holiday - Fact or Fiction? by BC on Nov 5, 2015
:sax: (INTERNET) The leaves are turning a fantastic color of orange in direct sunlight. Along with Fall comes the cold North wind blowing down the alley and snow finding it's way into the tiniest crevice. To top it off, the holidays are coming and we're considering presents to purchase.
Busker's Holiday is a new work just published by author Adam Gussow, an associate professor of English and Southern Studies at the University of Mississippi. It's the kind of book you want to curl up and read on a cold winter's night as you sit and contemplate next year's show. It warms your mind as you learn it's Summer all over again.

Gussow (or as the locals call him, Mister Satan) establishes Busker's Holiday as a story of one McKay Chernoff, a Columbia University grad student with a harmonica in his pocket and a blues band in...

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More stunning retro pics of London street performers by BC on Mar 1, 2019
:drool: (LONDON) Striking photographs from nearly 70 years ago show some of London’s most colourful street performers wowing the crowds in the mid-20th Century.
The incredible images at the Sun display a fearless acrobat flinging themselves through a small head-height hoop, a Charlie Chaplin impersonator ‘snake charming’ in front of a captive audience, and disabled ex-servicemen performing to the passing crowds.

Another stunning photo shows a banjo player being ably assisted by his pet pooch and a gentleman quietly concentrating as he plays a tune on what appears to be a Zither – a stringed instrument which is fiercely difficult to master.

The shots capture a post-war Britain, still labouring under rationing laws but blinking in the light of a blossoming economy.

Check out the link below for more amazing vintage...

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Same old song gets buskers busted by BC on Aug 23, 2009
:lol: LONDON | A city in central England says two buskers who plagued a suburb by repeating the same two songs have been banned from performing for two years.
The Birmingham City Council said the street performers angered residents with late-night and out-of-tune renditions of “Wonderwall” by Oasis and “Faith” by George Michael.

Acoustic guitar player James Ryan, 40, and Andrew Cave, 39, who used garbage can lids to accompany Ryan, were banned from busking by a judge at Birmingham Magistrates’ Court.


Venice Beach, the Naked Cowboy, and "Mad Chad" Taylor by BC on Oct 20, 2011
:guitar: (VENICE BEACH) It seems Venice Beach is the starting point for some busker's fame. Such is the case of the Naked Cowboy's forthcoming revelations.
Ironically, he joins another famous busker who first started juggling real chainsaws on the famous California boardwalk.

In his new book, author Bob Burck a.k.a. The Naked Cowboy, exposes his rise to busker fame and unveils a life goal in his autobiography "Determination: The Legend of the Naked Cowboy".

"I want to be the most famous man on the face of the earth," Burck tells a reporter from the The Daily Free Press. Because he was a model and a bodybuilder, a photographer suggested Burck play guitar in his underwear to gain the attention he was sorely missing while busking on Venice Beach. The rest is history.

Well on his way, Burck is also...

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