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St. Catharines International Busker Festival by lyndesfarne on Aug 8, 2011
Website: www.stcbuskerfest.com

The inaugural St Catharines International Busker Festival will welcome artists from around the globe performing over 100 acts during the three days of the Festival. All performances will take place in downtown St Catharines with the temporary closure of James St. to Church Street, and a sweeping corridor along King Street to include Market Square. Performances are slated for six stages (5 outdoor) as buskers entertain crowds with unforgettable acts. The festival is a community event for all ages and marks the first of its kinds in the Niagara Peninsula.

Niagara Inflatables Kidz Stage will host an inflatable playground for children to welcome the youngest of us into a world of make believe. Suitcase in Point Theatre Company (SIP) along with Lyndesfarne Theatre Projects (LTP) will produce The Late Night Cabaret (Saturday, August 13, 2011) with creative staff Deanna Lynn Jones and all Buskers. Visit the website for more details!

Man jailed for stealing busker's hat by BC on Dec 27, 2010
:hot: (ENGLAND) Busker and supply teacher Phil Gray was happily busking away when a passerby casually took the hat off Gray's head and disappeared.
It all seemed to be a joke until the grim reality set in. The hat was gone - never to be returned.

Fortunately, an audience member was shooting a video with his cell phone of Gray performing when the incident occurred.

Gray claims the creep who stole his hat had talked with him several times earlier in the day.

In the video, you actually see the crime committed. The thief was later picked up but no hat was to be found.

Full story and video


Coast-to-coast with America's Best Buskers by BC on Apr 1, 2013
:drool: (BOULDER, COLORADO) From Boston to Los Angeles, newspaper reporters around the country are suddenly running articles about the best buskers in their neck of the woods.
Chained in ownership, it isn't hard to see that reporters in each city were given the same assignment. Other papers soon hopped on the bandwagon.

As a result, you can now take your pick of the major city in which you're most interested - or the whole sha-bang from coast-to-coast.

Of course, on any given day, there are different buskers out and about. On slow days, it isn't unusual to find full-time buskers enjoying the day off bicycling or hanging at the local café. C'est la vie.

Conversely, since buskers live for the weekend, this is the time to search and report. Unfortunately, the poor reporter may now be off work and having fun doing their ...

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Buskers vs. Las Vegas for pitch on Strip by BC on Jul 27, 2009
:scrooge: William Jablonski, a regular busker on the Vegas strip, claims he has been harassed by officers who have repeatedly cited him for obstructing the pavement, disorderly conduct and being a public nuisance.

Mr Jablonski, who signs autographs, poses for tourists and once performed for a televised Elvis tribute at the MGM Grand, is taking police to court to prove that impersonating "The King" is a constitutional right.

The street performer claims that he has been wrongfully hounded by officers.

He stopped performing in public after he was cited for obstructing the pavement in 2007.

A year later, having donned his velvet suit again, he was confronted as he sang in front of the Paris Hotel & Casino by a Las Vegas police officer who told him not to have his picture taken with tourists or accept...

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Creative song writing by BC on Jan 3, 2021
:guitar: (WWW) We all start out playing songs we like (covers) from other established artists. It's when we reach a certain plateau that we realize that in order to go further, we're going to have to write songs that the public enjoys. When busking, however, familiarity is king when your cover is recognized as tip-worthy.
So, how do we handle our creativity yearning to be heard? Busking can be a very useful tool when first starting out writing songs. It is here that you can get instant feedback if the public is relating to your new song. If people are enjoying themselves, dancing or even singing along, you've really got something worthy of developing.

Try writing a song with a beat or speed up a slow song you've already written. People are out to have a good time and, generally speaking, really don't...

[ Continued ]


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