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Buskertainment is Raising The Roof by BC on Dec 3, 2011
:mime: (TORONTO) Human statues, musicians, illusionists, jesters, jugglers, mimes, stilt walkers, and much more will be out on the streets of the Downtown Yonge area every Saturday and Sunday as part of Winter Magic's "Buskertainment."
All donations during the Buskertainment event will go towards the Raising the Roof charity. The buskers will entertain shoppers and passersby then pass the hat in support of the worthy cause.

Raising the Roof is Canada's only national charity that dedicates itself toward funding long-term solutions for the homeless. What that means is they focus their efforts on permanent solutions to homelessness including finding proper housing, providing mental health services, and getting a homeless person "employment ready."

Stories, photos, and video are available thru the link...

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Cleveland and St. Louis open streets to buskers by BC on Aug 1, 2013
:sax: (CLEVELAND) Maurice Reedus, Jr. is one happy man since Cleveland has opened it's streets to buskers and street-performers.
Thanks to the "Sax Man" legislation, he can now blow his horn legally on the streets of Cleveland after twice being arrested this year.

"Let Freedom ring!" declared Cleveland City Councilman Joe Cimperman once the legislation was passed. "All of the major cities have lots of street performers. This is the home of the Rock'n'Roll Hall of Fame. This should be a musical town."

Officially, the Street-Performer's Ordinance covers, but is not limited to, "acting, singing, playing musical instruments, pantomime, juggling, magic, dancing, reciting and clowning."

Reedus is also the subject of a new movie. While everyone knows of the iconic Sax Man, few know his truly...

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Drum Machine T-Shirt Perfect For Buskers by BC on Jan 3, 2012
:tiphat: Buskers, especially muses, will benefit from the world's first drum machine in a real wearable t-shirt.
Now you can actually wear your instrument thumping out sweet digital rhythms as you perform your new routines. With an amazing 7 voices, drummers can create loops with unlimited tracks through 9 different drum kits for up to 3 minutes in length. The drum machine shirt is, of course, machine washable.

Thanks to ThinkGeek - Stuff for Smart Masses, also available for muses are 2 other interactive t-shirts including the Electronic Rock Guitar shirt with programmable guitar. Then there's even the the Electronic Music Synthesizer shirt with which you can program synths to untold of levels.

Musicians wanting a cutting edge performance can now band together and pitch their show by simply wearing their guitars,...

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Lawrence Busker Festival celebrates it's 10th year by BC on May 1, 2017
:drool: (LAWRENCE, KANSAS) It's hard to believe the Lawrence Busker Festival is celebrating it's tenth year keeping Lawrence weird. The festival will host over 50 difference acts on it's five downtown pitches. Included are fire displays, pogo stick acrobatics, break dancers, aerial artists, rubber chicken tricks, musicians and much more.
The Great Escape will kick off the festivities where an escape artist will replicate Harry Houdini's feat of escaping from a strait jacket while hanging upside down two stories above the crowd. Other events include an attempt to to set the Guinness World Record for the most people attempting a water bottle flip. And it gets even better.

Street performers will soon become a regular sight in Lawrence. Thanks to a $5,000 City Hall grant, the city's Community Arts Grant Competition's...

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The Beauty of Busking by BC on Dec 4, 2012
:tiphat: (TORONTO) An article at Action Coach Warren has a story on busking that may surprise most.
In it, Warren declares his love for buskers. Citing the Toronto Buskerfest as North America's largest, he notes the requirements as being "courage, confidence, good humour and, possibly, a little insanity."

While we usually hear reports from buskers themselves, it's a rare positive review that comes from the edge. Also mentioned is the fact that busking is mostly an urban event and that the love of the city is a necessary.

As Coach Warren observes, "Busking is one of the purest expressions of the entrepreneurial spirit. Buskers work incredibly hard at their craft in an attempt to provide maximum entertainment value. In doing so, they hope to receive maximum value from their audience."

You can...

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