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The world's biggest performing arts festival! by BC on Dec 2, 2019
:drool: (SHARJAH) Get ready for the world's largest performing arts festival running from January 16 to February 1, 2020! Sharjah is a place known for it's arts and crafts and is the cultural capital of the UAE.
For 17 days, the emirate's streets and theatres will come alive with buskers, circus pros, artists, clowns, mimes and world-class performers featuring over 600 shows and thousands of hours of pure entertainment. Over 50 international acts are to perform.

The first of it's kind in the arab world, it's being billed as a fringe festival to include as many performers as possible.

By hosting the festival in Sharjah, the event wants to send a message that Sharjah is 'a city of choice'. The city wants the 200 plus nationalities residing in the UAE to connect with the global language of arts. At the same time, Sharjah...

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Busking on the streets of Aspen by BC on Sep 3, 2015
:knight: (ASPEN) Let us take a Summer stroll up to Aspen and see how the buskers are faring.
In this sleepy little hamlet high above the madding crowds lies four downtown city blocks and the high-end shopping district. Within the red bricked lanes are planters, evergreens, grass, trees, and benches. Classic streetlamps light the way and no cars are allowed. The style was influenced by Boulder and it's mall on Pearl Street.

In Aspen (or "Hollyweed" as the locals call it), you can find many buskers plying their art. Why, you may even run into a "moobie star" out shopping at any given time. The famous four ski lifts long quiet, people are finding Colorado in the Summertime rather interesting, fun, and something out of the ordinary.

A Busker Central News reporter busked Aspen a while back. "As...

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The coolest buskers in the world by BC on Nov 10, 2009
:sax: (ANTARCTICA) Busking in Antarctica, four British Antarctic Survey's employees took part in Musequality's charity busk and world record.
The coolest buskers in the world, the strings on Danny’s guitar cable froze, Paul’s saxophone froze, Tony’s fingers froze and Riet froze. The Antarctic Minkes busked as the temperature dropped from -8°C to -15°C in Antarctica. Musequality funds communal projects for disadvantaged children in developing countries giving them the skills and qualities they need to turn their lives around.

YouTube Video


Vancouver welcomes buskers by doubling fees & 15 pages of rules by BC on Jun 2, 2013
:hair: (VANCOUVER) Once a bustling tourist mecca, Vancouver is rapidly gaining a reputation as the "No-Fun-Allowed" city.
Granville Island has recently revamped their busking regulations with a dizzying array of almost impossible requirements.

Included is having to pass not one but two auditions by a non-qualified jury, a doubling of license fees, arbitrarily banning popular performers, and for good measure, an unbelievable 15 pages of rules.

And they're just getting warmed up. Forget fire and circle shows. Even with insurance, these are out. Want to change a line or joke? It's not allowed once the license agreement is signed. It's the most preposterous, cockeyed, idiotic conception Busker Central News has ever reported.

License fees were doubled because they "hadn't been raised in 5 years."...

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Naked Cowboy puts on $1.5M lawsuit against CBS by BC on Feb 15, 2011
:guitar: (NYC) Times Square busker and street-performer Bob Burck has filed a $1.5 million lawsuit against CBS over a 'Bold and the Beautiful' promo.
Burck filed for trademark on his act back in 1997. He now seems content to sue mega-conglomerates with questionable legal teams for his livelihood. M & M Mars was his previous infringement suit which was settled out of court.

This time around, he's accusing the CBS network of using a guitar-toting drunken fool in a cowboy hat and underwear to promote a TV soap opera. However, as Bob has mentioned in his "brief" run for NYC mayor, "Nobody will take you seriously without wearing a suit", so he's gearing up for his court date and sending his suit out to the cleaners.


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