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Key West street entertainers must now be insured by BC on Jun 19, 2011
:hair: (KEY WEST) It's been brewing since last year when regulations for street-performing were brought up in City Hall.
Now, a tourist was recently bitten on the face by a performer's lemur which has triggered a new law requiring entertainers to have a minimum of $300,000 of liability insurance.

The law was designed to bring street entertainers in line with other groups, such as taxis, pedicabs and street food vendors, all of whom are required to have similar liability policies.

Restrictions where you can perform were placed on Duval Street but not past Petronia. The first two blocks of Whitehead and other "pitch" restrictions also go into effect. The yearly permit was raised from $100 to $150 and if there's is a festival going on, no performing is allowed. Performer's insurance is available on the...

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Victoria International Busker Festival by Bohemians on Jul 6, 2011
French Bohemians Georges & Cerika will act as cultural hosts, performers and exhibitors at the upcoming Victoria International Busker Festival.

Victoria International Busker Festival

From Friday, July 15th, 2011 to Sunday, July 24th, 2011

What & Where
One of the world’s most unique festivals! Will feature a range of performers from around the world on event stages along the downtown Inner Harbour, in Bastion Square and at Bay Centre in Victoria, BC, Canada.
A very first for Victoria

Victoria International Busker Bistro

A bistro with a European touch at the heart of the Busker Festival

Come join us for evenings of uplifting Live Bohemian music that will make you feel you just traveled all over Europe and back .
Browse our unique Bohemian Arts pieces.
Live the experience of a personalized Stone Reading by Cerika.
Enjoy the gourmet food menu of the Busker Bistro or simply stop for a refreshing pause, a cool drink or a beer.

The Bistro will be open from 12H00/noon t...

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The coolest buskers in the world by BC on Nov 10, 2009
:sax: (ANTARCTICA) Busking in Antarctica, four British Antarctic Survey's employees took part in Musequality's charity busk and world record.
The coolest buskers in the world, the strings on Danny’s guitar cable froze, Paul’s saxophone froze, Tony’s fingers froze and Riet froze. The Antarctic Minkes busked as the temperature dropped from -8°C to -15°C in Antarctica. Musequality funds communal projects for disadvantaged children in developing countries giving them the skills and qualities they need to turn their lives around.

YouTube Video


London's Busking Code of Conduct by BC on Dec 4, 2021
:spotlight: (LONDON) A lot of cities have their individual busking requirements to satisfy city hall. However, it seems London's busking code is more complete than others and could be used as a benchmark for general busking.
City Hall said the rules, which cover where to busk, avoids complaints, money collection, and resolving problems. It's aim is to make busking and street performance easier for everyone.

"Busking adds to the capital’s joie de vivre but in spite of its popularity buskers have sometimes encountered problems when plying their trade. Some have even been put off.

Working with our partners, we are putting a scythe through the acres of unnecessary bureaucracy to make it easier to entertain on our city’s streets.

We want to make London the busking capital of the world.”

Click the link ...

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Royal Street and all that Jazz by BC on Apr 8, 2019
:party: (NEW ORLEANS) Celebrating 300 years in the making, New Orleans is currently busy with Mardi Gras, Jazz, and the French Quarter festivals. A visit by Busker Central reporters for a month reveals some interesting developments along with a deep history.
Bourbon street in "da qwada" is traditionally known for it's late-night activities, bars, drunks, fights, and arrests. It's still a wild place but not too suitable for busking. Jackson Square mall is known for it's daytime bands, painters, and psychic readers. Now, one block off Bourbon, Royal street is really nice and becoming popular for buskers both day and night. Among the historic quaint shops, several jazz bands and others buskers have sprung up. And who can blame them? It's probably the best single street that embodies the French Quarter at it's best....

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