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Your future as a Busker by BC on May 2, 2016
:therapy: (BUSKER CENTRAL) Most buskers are past coming of age and well into their mid-life when they begin to ponder their future. Although the oldest busker was 70+ years old, he had other sidelines such as children's and company parties to see him through. We don't want to think about it but need to ponder this same question. What will you be doing after your busking career has ended?
It may seem scary now to think of such matters but just imagine how scary it would be if you hadn't made plans for your senior years. Many have continued their performances by going to the private and commercial sectors. Magicians and clowns are easily able to make this transition. But what about, for example, jugglers and musicians? Will they be able to do the same?

Fortunately, there are many new approaches to said problem...

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New program features buskers in Chattanooga by BC on Jul 3, 2016
:tiphat: (CHATTANOOGA) New liberal rules favor buskers and street performers in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Over 50 musicians have registered to participate. The musicians include guitarists, cellists, singers, keyboardists and a person who plays a didgeridoo, the wind instrument developed by indigenous Australians about 1,500 years ago.
It's all part of SoundCorps' new Sidewalk Stages program. Each of the 15 to 30 musicians who are scheduled to perform two-hour sets from Friday through Sunday is paid $25 by SoundCorps. They also get to keep any tips they make. Those tips are averaging between $40 and $70.

Buskers can perform in public places, such as sidewalks, pedestrian bridges and the parks between them. There are some minimal rules. Performing under the influence and substance abuse is not permitted.


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Busking ideas you may like by BC on Sep 5, 2021
:horn: (WWW) Beginning buskers all have to start somewhere deciding just what they're going to perform. Perhaps they already have a talent they can build upon. Others may have to start from scratch.
Here at Busker Central, an editor spent two years learning the songs he was to play before stepping a foot on a pitch. Once he had his songs down pat, he was confident he'd be successful. In fact, he was so successful, he was the number one musical busker in the whole city for twelve straight years.

Let us now check out around one hundred or so interesting pictures that may give you an idea or two about just how to approach the wide wide world of busking. Some are goofy, some are unique - but all are continuing the tradition of busking and street performing from centuries ago.

Click the link below for some ideas you may...

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Ten best cities for busking fun in the USA by BC on Jun 1, 2015
:party: (USA) It's that time of year again when a young man's thoughts turn to busking. It's all about sun, people, and shade as we take a look at some of the hottest performing venues the United States has to offer.
An article in USA Today features David Michael, a former street musician and author of Busker: Tales of a Renegade Harpist. The article mentions Michael's insight into the wide world of busking. Waxing philosophical, he elaborates about the different venues some buskers take that, were it not for street-performing, the talent would go to waste. Crowd gathering is also discussed.

Some cities are obvious. New York, Boston, and San Francisco are considered the centerpieces of American culture. Yet, we find some surprising "off-the-beaten-path" pitches that, normally, one wouldn't think there...

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1000 Buskers in Kuala Lumpur rejoice with legalization by BC on Feb 2, 2013
:horn: (MALAYSIA) Kuala Lumpur has just legalized street-performing for which 200 have already auditioned.
A jury of professional musicians will license the street-performers without any set limit of buskers to be selected.

With a population of 7.2 million people in greater Kuala Lumpur, there are over a 1000 happy buskers waiting to have their day.

Guidelines were being finalized but mainly the buskers must have a clean appearance and be disciplined enough to adhere to the designated time and location.

All that remains is finding suitable pitches in and around the city. Some areas may be modified to accompany busker performances.

Adjustments to the new legalization are to follow. As we've seen before, things can change around, flip-flop, flip again, then change back in as little as 1000 days. Hopefully, they'll...

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