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Buskers melt in 117° desert heatwave by BC on Jul 2, 2013
:scrooge: (LAS VEGAS) Let's take a trip down the Strip in Las Vegas and see how the buskers are melting. No, it's not that kind of trip. This is for reals.
It's never been hotter in Sin City which just tied an all time record of 117 (47.2 C) degrees in June. Regular street-performers seem to be gravitating towards the Fremont Street Experience where it's a tad cooler. But anyone in an enclosure or costume almost has to have a whole thermos of cold water with them.

Cupid has the right idea. This short, chubby busker runs around in his wings sporting a white g-string. Mix in a few drunks and it makes for a good time - assuming you drink. This is, after all, Las Vegas - home to over 400 Elvis'.

Off to the left is a Golden Statue, to the right is Gold Man. In the center is Golden Girl. Down the way is Sponge Bob...

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Mystery busker turns out to be famous by BC on Mar 1, 2013
:guitar: (NEW ORLEANS) It's the same old story with a different twist. Just as most captive audiences are tough on buskers, the same held true recently when a busker decided to entertain passengers on a public streetcar in New Orleans.
Being the birthplace of jazz, it isn't unusual to find buskers performing songs up and down the venues in the French Quarter which is quite famous for the impromptu entertainers. However, this time was to be different.

The busker pulled out his guitar on the trolly and started singing old Beatles tunes including "A Hard Day's Night". The passengers went about their business expecting the street-performer to soon pass the hat and be on his way. Much to their surprise, the busker just kept playing more Beatles songs having a seemingly endless supply of them on hand.


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A cat named Bob saves busker's life by BC on Nov 5, 2012
:spotlight: (LONDON) James Bowen and his cat Bob have sold over 250,000 books depicting their strange tale. It just so happens Bob saved the poor busker's life.
Based on a true story, Bob and James may be heading to Hollywood to film the street-performer's enchanting account.

Bob isn't any ordinary orange tabby. It seems he was tired of people wasting away and set out one day to bolster his good karma. While walking down the alley, Bob spotted a street-performer with issues. Now was his chance to make a difference.

Bob immediately took to James and saw great potential withering away - perhaps even dying little by little each day. With the patience of a saint, Bob endures several trials and tribulations as the busker overcomes his addiction.

It's an selfless tail helping an artist get back on track creating...

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More T-Shirts for Buskers by BC on Mar 2, 2012
:stilts: We've found some more crazy t-shirts that buskers will love. Bowler or derby hat tees are now available in a variety of colors.
Buskers can now let the world know they're a street-performer by wearing their hat on their t-shirt. You can even add a face if you wish.

There's an old busker saying - "A busker isn't complete without his hat. Then, he's finished."

Also featured are "suit & tie" tees and even the Professional Street Performers Association's logo on all kinds of shirts, tote bags, buttons, drinking cups, stickers, posters, and even hats.

Let the public know you're a pro!

You can even create your own logos on apparel for other buskers and street-performers to enjoy. Artists will relish designing their own shirts. Check out the links below for even more busker t-shirt...

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2013 Summer street performance tour by david121294 on Feb 15, 2012
Summer of 2013 a couple friends and i will be buying greyhound discovery passesw and traveling the us for two months. i have plans on bringing a guitar and perfoming a couple 30 minute sets in each town i visit. with the cash i make from this i am hoping to be able to me my food expenses and be able to afford another discovery pass by the time the first one expires.
I'd like to know if anyone else is interested in tagging along or maybe would like me to come through their town. Discovery passes are aroung $560 before tax and are good for 2 months. i feel this is an interesting way to tour, see the country, meet people, and have a good time. Be aware that you can only bring two bags without having to pay an extra fee and your instrument case will count as a bag.

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