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Settlement ends Naked Cowboy suit by BC on Nov 16, 2008
:guitar: Briefly put, the Naked Cowboy and candy giant Mars reached a down-to-earth settlement in Federal Court Friday over a Times Square billboard.

No one's talking, least of all the normally voluble Robert Burck, who parades around the Crossroads of the World in his skivvies, strumming a guitar and urging passersby to think of him as God.

Burck sued Mars for millions last winter, alleging two Times Square billboards and a mural that depicted a guitar-wielding M&M candy in tight white shorts gave the impression that he's endorsing their product.

Last June, Federal Judge Denny Chin ruled the Cowboy's suit accusing Mars of "false endorsement" could continue.

The suit was resolved Friday with a closed-door settlement.

By Owen Moritz


Buskers take hit with economy by BC on Nov 16, 2008
:scrooge: It's survival of the fittest as some resort to dirty tactics in face of stiffer competition.

Outwit, outplay, outlast.
That motto from TV reality series Survivor also holds true for the buskers in Orchard Road.

The current economic downturn is certainly not music to their ears as they have seen takings drop in recent months.

If that's not enough of a worry, they also have to fend off competition from both legitimate and illegal buskers.

But more of that later. For now, the downturn is a more worrisome test of survivor skills.

Take the case of Mr Donald Wee, 51, who strums the guitar near Shaw House.

'More people are donating coins instead of $5 or $10 notes,' he lamented.

He used to earn about $100 in two hours but can net only $40 now. The former security guard went into busking four years ago when he could not find another job after he was arrested for fighting....

[ Continued ]

Confusion over busker rules by BC on Nov 15, 2008
:hair: A veteran Nanaimo busker claims she is being told by the Port of Nanaimo to conform to busking rules along the waterfront, without knowing exactly what those rules are.

Cathy Davis said she's been told by the Port that they regulate all busking on the federally owned property. She also said she's been told that there have been complaints about her and others who have joined her busking at the waterfront.

Last month Davis sent an e-mail to Mike Davidson, property manager at the Port, asking him to list the nature of the complaints, without revealing who made them. Davis has so far received no reply.

Davidson told the Daily News in an Oct. 2 story that the Port issues its own special permits. Davis said she has also heard nothing back from Davidson about getting such a permit.

Davidson did not return calls to the Daily News on Wednesday.

While the weather is now too foul for busking,...

[ Continued ]

Rivera Beach by guitarman on Sep 27, 2008
:guitar: Living out of my car, I was 26 on Rivera Beach in Florida. I was already hot in more ways than one. The police had already noticed me hanging out with my guitar and knew I was meeting girls and getting laid. Once, a cop came up on us knowing something was going on but found no evidence. It was inside my closed guitar case. Then, a jamming buddy made a sign and we crossed the street to an alcove between 2 restaurants. The sign read "Donations gladly accepted for munchies and strings". We made $12 and took off for much greener pastures down in the French Quarter.

Festival by chrisb on Sep 26, 2008
My first busking experience was in Sept. 20-21, 2008. At the Festival of The Senses in Clinton Township, Michigan and what an experience it was. :spotlight: It was the first event i'd done outdoors and at a large event. The director was very nice to me by letting me have 10x10 space for free insted of paying $200 for it. I didn't do it for tips though I did advertised a lot. Right now I'm planning on next year's busk and with help from a friend of mine from New Orleans who is a street perfoming magician and I'm going to his lecture on Oct.4th. I'll be posting new thing on here like pictures, video footage, and upcomming events, so til next time see ya!! :busker:

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