Berlin lacht! e.V. February 2009
Dear friend,
This is our Newsletter.
We want to inform you about our activities and possibilities to participate in our upcoming festivities. As well, we would like to explain a little bit about the situations of street theatre in Germany
We hope that this will make you understand the importance of coming to Berlin in order to support and
participate in the street theatre opportunities at the Berlin lacht! International street theatre festival,
even if the conditions might be less attractive compared to other festivals.
About Street theatre in Germany and Berlin
In general
Compared to other countries, Germany does not give much attention, knowledge nor funding in the
area of cultural politics for street theatre.
Main Goals
Equal rights and artistic fulfilment
Street theatre has to be treated as an equal to other art forms, and have the will to stop the
“repressive tolerance”.
Street theatre has to have the same chance that other cultural for...
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