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Musicians: How to Start Busking by BC on Feb 1, 2020
:accord: (WWW) It's deja vu all over again with ways to get muses off to a good start busking and street-performing. Musicians are the most popular type of busker simply because of the vast amount of instruments that can be found. Some musicians actually create their own instruments although they vary in timber and quality.
An article at musicindustryhowto.com has prepared the beginning busker with valuable information to give them at least a fighting chance of success when performing in public.

Some segments include preparing your set list, memorizing the music, choosing the right songs, keeping it family friendly, getting your license or permit, observing the rules, performing strategically, and honing your craft.

While some popular bands are mentioned, buskers have been known to find success with songs...

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Busker Central celebrates it's 15th year! by BC on Jan 1, 2020
:party: :party: (WWW) It's hard to believe that it was 15 years ago today that the mouse was clicked and the hand-coded Busker Central reference website went "live" on the internet.
Five servers later, it continues to bring pertinent reference and news articles into the busker's life. Literally thousands of links and pages encapsulate the pure essence of Busker Central on the internet - worldwide communication.

Each and every day, performers surf into Busker Central in the hopes of finding new ways to express themselves in their artistic endeavor and perhaps learn, travel, and even supplement their incomes.

"When in Rome...", be sure to say 'hi' to all the buskers you may encounter. Europe is...

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The world's biggest performing arts festival! by BC on Dec 2, 2019
:drool: (SHARJAH) Get ready for the world's largest performing arts festival running from January 16 to February 1, 2020! Sharjah is a place known for it's arts and crafts and is the cultural capital of the UAE.
For 17 days, the emirate's streets and theatres will come alive with buskers, circus pros, artists, clowns, mimes and world-class performers featuring over 600 shows and thousands of hours of pure entertainment. Over 50 international acts are to perform.

The first of it's kind in the arab world, it's being billed as a fringe festival to include as many performers as possible.

By hosting the festival in Sharjah, the event wants to send a message that Sharjah is 'a city of choice'. The city wants the 200 plus nationalities residing in the UAE to connect with the global language of arts. At the same time, Sharjah...

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Seven secrets of street performers by BC on Nov 6, 2019
:sax: (WWW) Let's take a look at some tips for the most popular type of busker - the musician. On the website sonicbids.com, there are tons of links to articles about muses honing their craft, the music business, as well as a musician success guide.
The article features seven fundamentals for busking. Since there's always room for improvement, artists can read up on polishing their performances to perfection. Some are basic while others take into account the art of busking itself.

The website goes on to discuss their top articles on psychology skills, musician traits you were born with, creating your own record label, and major mistakes that musicians make. Trending articles include songwriting exercises, apps that make a musician's life easier, and getting noticed as well as motivational talks that will get you excited about...

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Cool busker t-shirts! by BC on Oct 1, 2019
:pointlol: (WWW) Here are some crazy t-shirts that buskers will love. Buskers can now let the world know they're a street-performer by wearing a funny saying on their t-shirt.
For both men and women, these t-shirts send a message with humour to all those who can read.

Sayings include "Have you hugged a busker today?", "I'm an awesome busker", "All I care about is busking - and like maybe 3 people", "Proud to be a busker", "World's funniest busker", "Officially the world's coolest busker", "Busker in training", "I'm a busker - What's your superpower?", "This is what an awesome street-performer looks like", and more along with a host of accommodating graphics.

Also available are t-shirts for the most popular type of busker...

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