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Permanent LinkApr 1, 2013 
Bwana Busker

Joined: Jan 1, 2005
Posts: 52
Blog: View Blog (205)
:drool: (BOULDER, COLORADO) From Boston to Los Angeles, newspaper reporters around the country are suddenly running articles about the best buskers in their neck of the woods.
Chained in ownership, it isn't hard to see that reporters in each city were given the same assignment. Other papers soon hopped on the bandwagon.

As a result, you can now take your pick of the major city in which you're most interested - or the whole sha-bang from coast-to-coast.

Of course, on any given day, there are different buskers out and about. On slow days, it isn't unusual to find full-time buskers enjoying the day off bicycling or hanging at the local café. C'est la vie.

Conversely, since buskers live for the weekend, this is the time to search and report. Unfortunately, the poor reporter may now be off work and having fun doing their grocery shopping and laundry. Scrub a dub dub.

Whatever the scenario, we get a glimpse of these lucky creatures with prominent features. Articles are interesting and packed with pictures and videos of America's best buskers.

We've compiled the list below for your convenience and viewing pleasure. Recognize anyone you know? Sir Paul McCartney, perhaps?

New York
San Francisco
San Francisco Update
Los Angeles


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