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Permanent LinkFeb 1, 2014 
Bwana Busker

Joined: Jan 1, 2005
Posts: 52
Blog: View Blog (207)
:therapy: (LONDON) It seems there simply aren't enough buskers in London's tube these days to satisfy the growing masses.
Also known as the underground subway, a clear and present message to the "powers that be" is rumbling around the tube. Buskers believe many more should be permitted to display their art form in the nation's capital.

As it turns out, you can now take a quick internet lesson on How to be a Tube Busker with a recent article at the Londonist.com.

There's only one thing standing in the way - "the system". Tube busking has now been legal for 10 years. The article goes into a step-by-step process that may, in the end, prove the licensing procedure to be entirely futile.

You will be judged by a 3-person jury that may or may not be qualified to determine what is art and what isn't. The committee even seems to have a top-secret formula which, thru mysterious smoke and mirrors, allows them to tell the suitability of a candidate without prior listening or interviewing them.

The license considers just one year so the whole process must be repeated annually. Buskers are limited to 2 hour slots. There's even a busking scheme .pdf that shows the 40 stations, pitches, and locations for buskers brave enough to see it through.

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