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:horn: NEWS BLOG :popcorn:

Permanent LinkMar 1, 2021 
:guitar: An interesting article at American Songwriter has an in-depth interview of the successful and creative busker by the name of Ori Rakib.
Ori is an energetic soul. He's been busking in the New York subway for years. One day after losing his jacket, Ori said to himself, "Alright - I’m going to start busking until I make enough money to buy myself a new winter coat." Survival comes first in busking. Some of us have already been there. At times, it can be hand-to-mouth with even experienced buskers.

"Once you’re past that first stage where it’s not really about being 'good' or 'bad' anymore, you start to realize how many lives you are able to touch by just going out there, opening your mouth, and singing."

"You’re not a brand - You’re just a guitar and a voice. People don’t know you, you have to get them to stop in their tracks. In these big cities, people are always moving so if they stop, that means they’re feeling something."

Read about his amazing accomplishments at the link below.

Zen and the Art of Subway Busking


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Bwana Busker

Joined: Jan 1, 2005
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