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Permanent LinkMar 1, 2022 
Bwana Busker

Joined: Jan 1, 2005
Posts: 52
Blog: View Blog (207)
:party: (WWW) In these days of pandemics and wars, what better way than busking to get people's minds off the problems of the world? Buskers are the chosen ones when it comes to this now even more difficult task. Performers all over the world can take heart that they're doing the right thing - especially in these trying times.
Most buskers are talented muses from jazz thru hip hop thru classical, Latin, and folk and rock music even playing some blues standards for fans in the know.

Parks can be more open to busking. It helps to know that North Carolina's Busker's Day welcomes select buskers from across the state to play music throughout the Museum Park. These kind of sidewalk attractions can only create a more vibrant community.

"To seek a more perfect pitch", as it were, is part the Busker constitution - or should be.


Don't miss the Busker Central 500 Extravaganza!
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