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Permanent LinkJun 6, 2013 
We just arrive yesterday in Amsterdam and we had a few surprises!
First of all, the city decided to give only 10 licences these year to play on the main spots with amplification. So forget it if you come as us to play here for a few weeks.
Also even if you are lucky and own a license, it's only possible to play with amplification 3 days a week, thursday, friday, saturday and from 12h to 13h, 15h to 16h, 18h to 19h and 20h to 21h, so even if you have a license you can play only a few shows three days a week!
Also i was told that you can not use fire anymore.
Well, we started our trip from Canada with Amsterdam and now we don't know where to go, who has a good idea?

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Neo Busker

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