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Permanent LinkMay 8, 2009 
Buskers, buskers, buskers,

I'm a young guy who try to get money playing a little guitare and singing english, spanish and german songs with his French accent. (I confess that :"I'm french"... So excuse me if I don't write really well english !). I'm not a "true" busker, according to the definition some people have here or somewhere else... I'm a student and during my free-time I go to streets and I "busk" for a while. Since I've started, I've decided to put, near my hat, a paper or a board : Each time I change it. First, I wrote sentences like : Je n'a pas de talent- merci (I've got not talent-thanks), Je travaille plus pour gagner plus (I work more to get more -money- thanks), and then I've choosen to write sentences about politic or economic news.

In fact, people give money, in this way, for three reason :
First : they have pitty of me -and they give money because they just see me like a hobo. They are not interrested by my music or my message.

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Adrien Nox
Neo Busker

Joined: May 7, 2009
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